Inforamtion technology is now relevant in current society. Technologies such as computers, playstations and ipods are now commonplace and used for everyday activites such as self care, lesiure and work.
I personally feel confortable using most forms of information technmology as from a young age schools and other activites used computers ect to aid education. The devices I feel comfortable using iunclude computers, memory sticks, telephones, ipods ect
Information technology is being used in Occupational Therapy to
- Gain inforamtion for research
- write reports, notes, assessments and floor plans
- tecnologies can be used in assessments, rehab or as occupations for clients as they are now commonplace and activites that are commonly participated in.
- aid development
Some ethical implications that arise from capturing, sharing and transferring information via information technologies are privacy, stolen identities, and miss use of the information.
"Computer Ethics is set moral principles that regulate the use of computers" (Tech Terms Computer Dictionary, 2010)
"Social Justice is the concept in whioch a subjective notion of justice and/ or equability is achieved in every aspect of society " (Social Justice, 2010)
"Informed consent is a legal procedure to ensure that a patien/ client knows all of the results and costs involved in a treatment. The elements of informed consent include informing the client of the nature of the treatment, possible alternative treatments, and potential risks and benafits. In order for informed consent to be considered valid, the client must be competent and should be given voluntarily" (Tech terms technology, 2010)
A great understanding of ITC and ethical issues will help in Occupational Therapy practise and daily lives as one has to be aware of the risks using information technologies and users are required to be aware of the use of data and privacy. As information technology is now common place among society it is important to have an understanding of the occupation and the ethical issues surrounding it to enhance the useability.
ReferencesAllen, R. (consultant editor). (2004). The penguin english dictionary. London:Penguin Books
Social Justice. (2010). Social Justice. Retrieved march 2, 2010 from
Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. (2010). Computer Ethics. Retrieved Febuary 22, 2010, from
Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. (2010). Informed Consent. Retrieved Febuary 22, 2010,
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